
Anna Mykhalchuk

Anna Mykhalchuk’s life took a dramatic turn when she, along with her husband Oleh and their young son Nazarii, had to leave their home in Ukraine. Carrying just two backpacks and a baby carrier, the family embarked on a journey that would lead them to a new home in Tasmania, Australia. Despite the challenges they faced, Anna’s spirit and creativity shone through, as seen in the mural on our café wall.

Anna was involved in our 8 week Multicultural Start-up program which helped her Australianise her business plan. Anna held a stall for our Multicultural Start-up program on the 8th of July, proudly displaying her wonderful Samchykivka art, and her self-published bilingual (now trilingual) children’s book in collaboration with two ladies from Ukraine, titled “Forest Adventures” written in English and Ukrainian now Chinese also. That same day Anna unveiled what is thought to be the only Samchykivka mural in the southern hemisphere on our café wall – soon to be verified! This occasion was captured by ABC TV and was broadcasted on the news the following night for thousands to see. We are honoured to have such a beautiful and culturally significant mural in our space.

Anna also holds workshops at Esteem Coffee. These have both been a great success and have bought wonderful creativity to our space. Many first-timers come and enjoy the relaxing, colourful and creative process.

Learn more about Anna Mykhalchuk

“I am an artist of the Ukrainian folk-art style called ‘Samchykivka’. I was taught the style by a master painter in Ukraine”

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